Wednesday 15 June 2011

Medical Benefit of 2Park Noni


According to research conducted by several research inside country and and abroad, Noni juice was found positive for the following diseases:

1. Respiratory System- asthma, sinus
2. Digestive System - increase the absorption of food           nutrient 
3. Cardiovascular system - reducing high                                 blood pressure and lowering cholesterol levels.
4. The Agency System Disorders - diabetes, migraine,         kidney disease, kidney and bladder
5. Bone aches and joint - Joint aches or arthritis, gout             sprains and dislocations
6. Gynecology - Disease discharge, pain and menstrual              disorder
7. Others impact - Ability to build new cell produced under the     scalp and hair growth. Restore the strength of the seed of       men and women(fertility). Encourage the growth of body         tissue.
Some research says that Noni juice prevents  cancer.

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