Wednesday 15 June 2011

About Noni


"let food be your medicine                                                     let medicine be your food "                                                                              by Hippocrates                                                          Morinda citrifolia, commonly known as great morinda, Indian mulberry, nunaakai (Tamil Nadu, India), dog dumpling(Barbados), mengkudu (Indonesia and Malaysia), Kumudu (Balinese), pace(Javanese), beach mulberry, cheese fruit or noni (from Hawaiian) is a tree in the coffee family, Rubiaceae. Morinda citrifolia's native range extends through Southeast Asia and Australasia, and the species is now cultivated throughout the tropics and widely naturalised.

Morinda citrifolia is one of the traditional folk medical plants that has been use by Polynesia over 2000 year that been reported to have a broad range of therapeutic and nutritional value. During the Polynesia era, the noni juices have been use as the alternative in their medical field to cure different kind of illness. The noni juices are stated in a several research say that the noni juice is use for several illness such as arthritis, high blood pressure, diabetes, muscle aches, menstrual difficulties, headaches, heart disease, AIDS, cancers, gastric ulcers, sprains, mental depression, senility, poor digestion, atherosclerosis, blood vessel problem, and drug addiction.

Research from University of Hawaiian by Hirazumi in 1992, stated that noni fruit has anticancer activity that will benefit the cancer patient  by enabling them to use lower doses of anticancer activity to achieve  the same and better result and will create a new method in treatment for cancer patient.  

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